Managed to get my hands on a bunch of the new Animated product, including the Sons of Cybertron Optimus/Rodimus 2-pack, and several of teh Starscream Clone EZ Collections figures. Anyone who needs them should drop me a mail at hydra"atmark"
Back in Japan on the 14th, 18th is Tokyo Toy Show!
Just four days after I get back in Japan from BotCon and vacation, it's time for the Tokyo Toy Show! There are a total of three exclusives this year, including a 2-pack of "Dreadwing and Smokescreen," which is a Mindwipe/Skystalker reference that fits really well with the BotCon G2 theme. Also is Elite Guard Prowl, a cool figure that works alongside EG Bumblebee. I expect to get about 10 of each, so hit me up if you need to get your hands on them.